Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Lectures on Strategy from GM Ben Finegold

Finegold-lectures are probably the best on the internet. Not that Finegold only is a grandmaster in comparison to others he also has a very good understanding of how to teach it to people.

Here is one of his great lectures on a positional sacrifice.

 However, we need a more systematic listening of what he offers. I am particularly interessted into his strategic ideas.

Calrsen agains Kamspky
Queensgambit, declined, block an attack and defend well
Value 8/10 Understandability: 9/10

Strategic Ideas, keep the center closed against strong bishop
Tactical Ideas: Overloaded Queen, Moreover some ideas about RookEndgames
Value:7/10 Understandability: 9/10

Strategic ideas for Sicilian, and accepted QueensGambit
Value 6/10 Understandability: 8/10

Basic Pawn Endgames
A little too rudimentary, however, for beginners well done
Value: Depends Understandability: 9/10

The U.S. at the world cup
Value 3/10
Strategic Ideas for  Tactics

Tactic Analysis, The only Move,
Value: 3/10
only tactical variations, but funny as always

The games of Paul Morphy
Value 3/10
only tactical variations, interessting though

How to create an attack
Value 5/10
Tells some strategical ideas that can be used for attacks

Blocked Center positions
Value 5/10
Does not really give you strategical ideas

To be continued

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