Samstag, 2. November 2013

Why chess is intrinsically a strategical game and how you play against tactical players

Here is another great Video of the GM Smirnov who teaches you how to win:

He provides the analysis of a typical chess player, who plays according to two basic characteristics

1) an Attack
2) Tactical Tricks

The question Smirnov asks is: How to beat this player? His idea is simple: Take away all what they can attack. So they will have no tactical ideas, they do not know what to do, and you will win by strategy.

This works, since chess is intrinsically a strategical game. Of course you must always keep an eye open for tactical possibilities, but the goal is to learn how to outplay any opponent by strategy.

To demonstrate you this skill, Smirnov will analyze this with regard to a grandmaster game, while out of a Kings-Indian attack Black makes serveral mistakes.
Game: Value: 7/10, Difficulty 3/10

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